
Check out some lovely words from the Women I’ve helped over the years.

When Aliya first came to me, she was felling defeated by her pain and the trauma that she went through having had endometriosis and subsequent surgery to remove her womb and ovaries. She was feeling a sense of loss and having quit her fast-paced job due to her health and knew that she could not go back to the lifestyle. She was working crazy hours with her job, was the main source of support for her family and friends and was so reliable and helpful to everyone that she neglected her own needs. 

Through the process of coaching, Aliya was able to really open up and share how she felt about her endometriosis and how it affected her mental health and self-esteem. She felt useless not being able to do things for herself while she was recovering and felt like less of a woman having had her womb and ovaries removed. She was able to break down her negative beliefs of herself and be able to accept herself for who she is. She could see the opportunity it had given her to slow down and rediscover what makes her happy. She was able to redesign her life so that the things that made her happy were the focus. She realised what she really valued in life and was able to put boundaries in her relationships so that she was not overhelping or being responsible for other people's happiness. 

Now Aliya knows what situations and behaviour patterns drain her energy, she can be more mindful of how much of herself she gives and takes breaks to recharge when needed. She no longer feels guilty for putting herself first and understands that she has more of a capacity to help those closest to her when she first looks after herself. She has discovered what brings her joy and energises her in life and does not compromise on those things, giving herself permission to listen to her body and what it needs.

- Aisha Barnes 

Within the Indian culture and many other cultures women’s issues are never discussed. It’s such a taboo to even say the word period or menopause. We are taught from a young age that girls and ladies that have their periods are unclean which then perpetuates a whole cycle of shame surrounding what should be just a natural part of a woman’s life.

Aliya helped me to break down these taboos and not feel ashamed to talk to my husband, children and family. 

If we are to evolve as a society then the discussions and channel of communications need to be open so that women do not feel ashamed. 

It was particularly hard at work for me to tell my boss that I suffered from a lot of stomach and back pain due to endometriosis as well as irregular and painful periods. Even the other women that I worked with did not understand what I was going through.

Aliya taught me to stand up for myself and showed me how to alleviate some of my emotional and physical pain.

The relationship with my husband and children are so much better than before and I no longer feel frustrated and isolated. I have reconnected with family, friends and more importantly with myself . 

I can’t thank Aliya enough for being such a brilliant coach and amazing woman, I would recommend Aliya as a life coach to all women. 

- Layla

I have worked with Aliya for many years. She has already had great leadership skills and inspired so many people with her hard work, integrity and ethics.  It’s a natural transition for her to become a life coach and help empower others as that’s what she has always done in different capacities. Her skill sets make her the ideal life coach. She helped me overcome my peri menopause symptoms.

I had been suffering from very bad hot flushes, insomnia, stomach pain and even low self-esteem. She showed me how I could balance out my hormones and that the menopause does not have to be something to be dreaded but a natural part of a woman’s life that can give a new lease on life. She made me feel supported throughout the coaching process even outside of our sessions she still remained available and helpful. She has helped me gain so much clarity and confidence that I feel like I am leading a much happier fulfilled life now. 

- Melanie

Life coaching, whatever your goal or challenges, doesn’t come better than with Aliya. She offers a guiding hand resulting from both her professional and person life. You experience the benefit of her hard work and experience in the education and travel industry as well as other business sectors. Her insights draw from her own experience of navigating a myriad of global challenges mixed in with people’s individual troubles and trajectories.

Perhaps most importantly she brings a rare and unique perspective for women balancing multiple responsibilities whilst also facing their own serious health issues. Her empathy and compassion mixed in with plenty of strength and spice will have you feeling empowered and motivated to meet your own challenges and make the changes YOU need.

You will also be guaranteed to have plenty of fun and laughs along the way. Make an appointment straight away whilst you can, for her inspiration is sure to be in demand.

- Dr SJ

Aliya was so empathetic to my situation with regards to endometriosis.

I have suffered for quite a few years and could never find doctors that would listen to me about how much debilitating pain I was in.

Aliya was so kind and explained in a very clear and concise way how I should approach doctors and the right questions to ask. I no longer felt scared about having an operation to remove my endometriosis after my sessions with Aliya.

I never had the courage to talk to my husband or family about what I was going through.

Through her coaching problem I learnt how to have a voice and not to be fearful of expressing my needs. I looked forward every week to our sessions and I immediately saw the difference in myself. I became more confident and felt happier, family and friendships became so much better and even my intimacy with my partner improved. I will be forever grateful to Aliya.

- Sheena

As soon as I had my initial free coaching call with Aliya I knew that she was the right coach for me. We clicked straight away and she is an amazing listener and such a caring and insightful life coach.

Aliya’s positivity and charismatic personality shines through during each session and she really got to the root of my concerns and areas in my life that needed attention. I saw huge improvements within myself shortly after my coaching sessions with Aliya. She made me feel heard and valued and that I could achieve my goals and dreams. I had a hysterectomy and suffer from menopausal symptoms and became withdrawn at my work and with my family. I felt so isolated and alone and ashamed to even talk about my symptoms and my feelings.

Aliya showed me that there is strength in being vulnerable and that every woman is beautiful and capable of achieving great things. I highly recommend her coaching programme even for women who do not suffer from endometriosis or menopause. You learn so much about yourself and the whole experience is invaluable and can be practiced in all areas in your life.

- Zoe

I live in France and met Aliya a few years ago at a work event. I have suffered from endometriosis stage 3 for the last 7 years and could never talk to anyone about it.

I was coached by Aliya and it was the best thing I ever invested in. She made me see different career possibilities and just what life could offer and what I had to offer too. She totally changed my perspectives which has led me to change my career path and lead a much fuller more satisfied life. She helped me manage my endometriosis too and introduced me to some other wonderful women. The greatest improvement has been my relationship not only with my fiancée but first and foremost with myself.

We have become great friends and Aliya and I still stay in touch.

I love her enthusiasm to help other women her sense of humour and fun positive attitude is contagious!

- Diana

After I had been diagnosed with endometriosis and an ovarian cyst Aliya stepped into my life and quickly became a source of warmth and sustenance during a time when I was full of anxiety.

I asked her questions about different treatments and options and she gave me excellent advice - putting me at ease while talking me through how best to navigate the system. She was also a great listener and made me feel I was part of a community of women who have knowledge about our bodies and can use this community to share experiences and advice to help us heal.

- Sadhvi

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