pms support group

PMS Support Group.

Life Coaching For Women With Painful Periods & PMS.

PMS is the name given to a group of physical and psychological problems females experience one or two weeks prior to menstruation.

It is a group of symptoms that occur in women, typically between ovulation and a period.This  involves changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle.

Dysmenorrhea refers to the intense pain and cramping many women experience before, during, and after menstruation. PMS is a combination of emotional and physical factors women experience prior to menstruation, while dysmenorrhea is the physical pain and cramping caused by the act of menstruating.

PMS Therapist.

Periods can cause a wide variety of symptoms, which include: Mood Swings, anxiety, Sadness, Bloating or Tummy Pain, Cramps, Acne, Headaches, Breast Tenderness and Trouble Sleeping as well as fatigue and weight gain. 

You may experience dysmenorrhea if you have endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, polycystic ovaries syndrome or pelvic inflammatory disease 

Symptoms Of Painful Periods & PMS.

PMS support group

Treatment For Painful Periods & PMS.

Medication given for painful and irregular periods can include the pill or coil.

While there's no cure for PMS, you can take steps to ease your symptoms. To get relief from mild or moderate symptoms, it may help to give the following strategies a try: Drink plenty of fluids to ease abdominal bloating, use heat patches or hot water bottles if you have stomach pains. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Vitamin Supplements such as Magnesium, Vitamins B 6 & 12, Zinc & Iron can also help to alleviate symptoms.
