Sublime Self is a Transformational Coaching Programme for women to help them navigate their challenges in life, particularly the difficulties that stem from female health conditions.
“People can only meet you as deeply as they've met themselves. Work on becoming the best version of yourself; then will you attract others who are blooming, into your life. Heal yourself first.”

“I am a certified transformational life coach and my passion has always been to help people.”
— Aliya Jivraj, Founder

Transformational Life Coaching
Invest in your relationship with yourself
Sublime Self is a unique and incredible transformational life coaching programme focusing on women, particularly those experiencing mid life challenges. It also focuses on women's health issues such as painful periods and PMS or women living with endometriosis as well as those going through the menopause and who have undergone or undergoing a hysterectomy.
Any woman is welcome to have a free chat with me to discuss how my tailor made package can help them.
“Having suffered all the above conditions myself, I now help other women improve and enrich their lives.”
— Aliya Jivraj

Specifically I work with those who suffer from mid-life challenges, emotionally as well as physically so that they can create healthier habits to manage their symptoms and have more energy to lead more fulfilled lives with their families, friends and partners to find a life balance.
I recognise that each individual is unique so my coaching programme is tailored to your needs and combines holistic methods incorporated with embodiment techniques to make this an exceptional experience.
“I also work with men who need guidance when dealing with the women in their lives who suffer from these conditions as well as young girls, families and couples.”
— Aliya Jivraj

Personal Life Coaching For Women
Life Coaching For The Modern Woman
Today we live in such a fast paced world with constant demands and pressures and finding a balance in this modern post pandemic world can be challenging and we all need some help at times.
Many women are juggling to manage households, look after their parents, cater to their families, children and partner and working all at the same time, this can all be very overwhelming, especially if we do not take time out to care for ourselves.
We put everyone else’s needs before our own endure so much stress and sometimes we are not even aware of the consequences and damage it has done to our bodies and mental health until it is too late.
Many factors can influence our health such as stress, sleep, hormones, lifestyle, age, activity levels, hereditary conditions and even the environment we live in.
“It can be extremely difficult to express the pain that can stem from female health issues, especially those that suffer with PMS, endometriosis, menopause and hysterectomies”
— Aliya Jivraj

Our bodies go into the fight or flight response which is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of these threats activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee. It’s a no wonder that diseases and health conditions are on the rise.
However you are not alone!
Thankfully there is now more compassion towards women’s health problems but not as much as there should be. There are still many taboos surrounding these conditions unfortunately.
Just a few generations ago, many women who were going through menopause, were deemed as insane and confined to an asylum and treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
Women have been woefully neglected in studies on pain ... There is five times more research into erectile dysfunction, which affects 19% of men, than into premenstrual syndrome, which affects 90% of women.
— Guardian, 2019

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.
I founded Sublime Self to be a lifeline for Women just like you.
A Woman Whom
Providence has provided
With beauty of spirit and body is a truth,
At the same time both open and secret,
Which we can understand only by love
And touch only by virtue
A Woman Whom - by Khalil Gibran.

Life Coaching For Women
A little about my Coaching Methods.
The many illnesses that women experience today can cause a huge amount of mental distress - so let me help you. My coaching method is without judgement and I have helped many women to feel heard, to feel loved and valued and allowed them to be who they want to be. I have assisted women ask the right questions when seeking help and diagnosis from doctors.
Let me help you find the courage to speak your truth, to express your needs to your partner and create deeper connections with family and friends in order to find a balance in your personal and professional life. I am here to support you and show you that there can be a better way to handle physical pain as well as deal with the emotional side.
My determination and perseverance has pulled me through such difficult times to deal with chronic pain, the physical agony as well as the emotional distress. So many other women have inspired me to continue my journey and find my purpose of serving others to help them live a life full of joy and enjoyment.
My bespoke, transformational life coaching sessions will help alleviate your symptoms, find inner peace so that you may achieve a sense of fulfilment, sense of freedom, happiness and to feel more connected to others.
Transformative Life Coaching
I discovered that once I had the confidence to share my story and open up to others the universe opened up to me in so many different ways that I didn’t think possible.
I have helped other women to come forward, they then had the courage to speak to me and share their stories. My encouragement has helped so many women transform and lead better lives.
I want to show other women how to fill their cups first before giving to others, in a non-selfish guilt freeway. Women are magnificent warriors, let me show you how to create your sublime self through my personal transformational 12 week life coaching programme for women.
Learn to create the life you would like to live instead of feeling that it is out of your control.
As Oprah Winfrey once said ‘ Where there is no struggle there is no Strength’. Let me help you through the struggle to find your strength.

Have you been suffering with endometriosis, menopause, you have had or are having a hysterectomy or you suffer from painful periods and PMS or other female conditions?
Perhaps you feel weak, lonely, tense, stuck, unfulfilled, overwhelmed, unhealthy, fearful of change or what the future holds, or maybe you have lost some one dear to you or going through a separation. Maybe your dreams have been on hold and you want to take control back of your life.
Whatever the case my tailor made coaching programme will help you find your purpose so that you can live without fear and guilt and will uncover what is holding you back from moving forward. I can help you open the door to your power, wisdom, clarity and creativity.
I will support you to improve all areas in your life. You will be investing in yourself and your future wellbeing. At the end of the 12 week programme you can look forward to a 4 day amazing holiday to the Algarve in southern Portugal.
My life coaching programme will assist you to make crucial and conscious decisions that benefit you and to take advantage of each day and to love yourself. It will help support the best version of your sublime self.
I have learnt that the most important relationship we can have and must have is first and foremost with ourselves.
Sign up for my crucial coaching package and let me help you to heal from physical wounds, emotional scars and nourish your spirit and soul. Reclaim your core values, align yourself with your goals, and transform your mind set to create a positive outlook, be inspired and inspire others.
My coaching package offers you time for self reflection which is related to higher self esteem which then leads to improved feelings about ourselves and others. Grow your confidence, enhance your relationships and increase your network with likeminded women.